Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Opening blog!

This is my first foray into this new medium...the Blog. I always thought that a blog was the mess I made of my yarn when not paying attention. Little did I know that it's actually a form of communication!

For my dear knitting friends, "Hello!" I am still trying to complete my "First Garment." With some luck, I should be sewing up the sides on Thursday night! I look forward to all your assistance. My next project is going to be a top knit in the round, so any pattern suggestions would be much appreciated.

For my fellow ATP(R)s, "Hello!" I am so sorry I missed the So Cal reunion on Sunday. I pray that it was a joyous occassion. I would love to schedule another one in the near future.

For my family & extended family, "Hello!" How is everyone? Please keep in touch! I am loving my new job!

For everyone else, "Hey." I love to meet new people, chat about virtually everything, and love to share stories about my family, husband, life, and joys.


Becky said...

Cool, a new blog!

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Cheryl said...

Welcome to the world of expressing deep thoughts and ranting!