Wednesday, May 9, 2007

One of THOSE days

Today felt like a "monday." You know, one of those Mondays that just never seems to quit. The kind of day where each challenge is compounded. Well, that was my day. The gentlemen in my office were kind enough to start putting my new desk together for me on Monday. They had the bulk of it done by quitting time, so I got in early today to set up my computer. A simple task really, just move the CPU, re-plug everthing and turn it on. Not rocket science, not even new to me. I have done this dozens of times. After 90 minutes and couple of bald spots one of the gentlemen at work comes in and figures out my dyslexia extends to plugging in moniters backwards. Did you know that you could even do it backwards? Well, now I do. Besides, how many moniters have 3 cords? Oh I miss my MAC! Then the rest of the desk needed to be put together, and documents needed polishing, phone calls needed to be made & returned, data compiled, plans made, emails...many emails, etc...

So, computer is back up and I am working full steam ahead. Then more hiccups! The worst part is when the stone came out of my wedding ring! A couple moments (hours ) of panic later, and Newman, the company mascot leads me to it. My ring is now on its way to the jewler for a serious FIX. I am so grateful to have found the stone though, that makes the day all okay.

There were so many other little things that just kept adding I said, One of THOSE days!

So when I get home to relax to a netflix evening I find myself ripping out the same new project for the 22nd time. Yes, I have counted! So I decide to tackle it a different way. I'll show all the knitters on Thursday.

This Friday is my baby's Prom! I have to pick up the corsage, get to the valley for an appointment and back, and then back to Ventura to pick up Trevor and get him to Camarillo, pick up his date, Jessica, then back to Ventura. After prom, we will take Jessica home and SLEEP in on Saturday!

I am off now


Becky said...

Well, I'll be. I had no idea you could plug a computer incorrectly.

I lost a stone on my wedding ring. Not the main stone, but one of the little ones and I kept it that way to remnd me that nothing is perfect.

I've had one of those days turn into weeks. Hang in there. Oh, and take lots of pictures.

Cheryl said...

One of those days for me in the job turns out to be the whole project. Surrounding how computer software and people will work with the program so thank you for the techy tip. I am surrounded by whinney (sp?) people. Saving grace for me is that I know what's needed in the project - people dynamics always suck!